Do you happen to have some free time on your hands? Here are some of the best part-time jobs from home to try right now!
If you want to earn a few extra bucks or hundreds each month, then this post is for you!
No matter if you are in your third or fourth year of high school or in college, here are some of the best part-time jobs from home to check out.
You should especially pick up a part-time job if you are unsure of what to do or have no experience yet.
High school and college is the perfect time to get experience, learn new skills, and try out new environments.
These part-time jobs range from high interaction with people to no interaction, but best of all they are all jobs that you can do anywhere!
Did you know that tutoring does not have to be in a facility anymore?
One of the best part-time jobs from home is tutoring.
With the impact of COVID, many services have turned online and tutoring is one of the many services that followed.
You can join an institution or start your own hours at tutoring places.
Moreover, there are many online tutoring options that you can try out.
If you are skilled in any area, you can opt for tutoring in that expertise.
Some of the most popular topics to tutor are math and coding.
If you know a second language and can teach it, you should also consider applying for a language tutor.
I have tutored for the majority of my high school and college years, and it is one of my favorite positions.
If you love interacting with kids and helping them learn, tutoring is a great fit!
In addition, you are also helping yourself be prepared and constantly reviewing the topics you teach.
Etsy is a great d.i.y. site for selling any homemade items.
If you have a knack for designing stickers, printables, or jewelry, then you should give this a try!
However, make sure that you understand the rules and any fees associated with it before starting.
Etsy does charge you per listing that you post, so be detailed with your titles, descriptions, and images.
Also, higher-quality photos or mockups sell better than blurry or unprofessional images.
If you decide to sell crafts online, make sure you have a budget and plan.
For products, take into consideration costs like:
- materials to create it
- tools to use
- shipping costs
And for digital items, take into consideration of:
- printable versions (JPEG, PNG, etc)
- downloadable files that are easily accessible
Sell Online
The possibilities are endless!
Do you have extra pairs of shoes that you don’t wear anymore? Or some clothes that you have outgrown, but are still in good condition?
Well, how about considering selling them online?
Some sites or apps that you can check out are:
- Offerup: for anything (furniture items sell quickest in my experience)
- Poshmark: for clothes, shoes, purses
- Craigslist: for furniture, anything
- Facebook marketplace, anything
- Mercari: for anything
Most of these sites and apps work for selling many items, but you should check out which ones you like more.
Also, you can decrease the hassle of meetups if you choose to ship your items.
Furthermore, if you want your items to sell better, make sure to:
- take many photos that are good quality and include different angles
- specify measurements or compare it to another item (printer paper, quarter, etc.)
- include honest descriptions (if anywhere has stains, chips, cracks, etc.)
- provide as many details as you can
- offer a negotiable price
Call Service Representative
If you enjoy talking to people, why not consider working part-time as a caller representative?
Many companies need someone to answer the phone and solve solutions.
Also, there are plenty of people who need help finding an answer.
If you don’t mind constantly answering the phone, then you should check out call representative jobs.
You could do this job remotely and in the comfort of your own home.
However, if you can’t handle pressure or get stressed easily, then this might not be the gig for you.
Interested in learning how to save money? Check out 15 Proven Hacks to Save Money in College.
If you are looking for a more individualized position with less interaction, then a transcriptionist fits the bill!
Have you ever wondered where captions on videos, messages, or stories come from?
Some of them come from transcriptionists who work from home!
If you know another language, you can also work as a translator for videos.
Many healthcare settings also need transcriptionists to help serve as a middleman between the patient and the doctor.
If you get a certificate or a degree in English or a different language, then that is even better for this position!
Start Your Own Business
This might seem crazy, but you definitely can start your business!
It doesn’t have to be a full-on crazy adventure.
You can try to start your own website, sell your own products, or services.
However, you do need to have a budget before starting a business.
The worst thing you want is to be spending hundreds or thousands of dollars and then not end up earning anything at all.
Also, you have to be resilient and dedicated throughout the entire process.
Make sure you know any upfront costs or fees that you have to pay in order to regulate your business.
If you start your own website, consider these fees:
- hosting fee
- design fee for your website
- security fees
- privacy policies
- courses
You don’t have to buy each of these items, but it is a good idea to dive in and check it out first.
Interested in more money-making posts like this one? Check out 31+ FoolProof Ways to Make Money for College Students.
Why should I do a part-time job instead of a full-time job?
If you have other responsibilities like school or extracurricular activities, then a part- time job might be better than a full-time job.
However, if you think you can handle a full-time job on top of what is on your plate, then go for it.
These part-time jobs are specifically for busy students who have a few hours in their day or week to earn some extra money.
Why should I try any of these jobs?
First of all, you can earn some extra cash for things like textbooks, entertainment, or rent.
Secondly, you can gain experience and have more skills in dealing with different situations.
Plus, these are some of the best part-time jobs from home that you can do to help you save transportation costs.
Gas these days is expensive so working from home can help you save a good chunk of money!
So don’t wait for tomorrow and try one of the best part-time jobs from home today!